How Does Solutions Journalism Work?

“Journalism suffered an existential crisis along with its economic crisis; and [this approach] is a way of responding to that, a way of increasing trust.”

- Michaela Haas, Reasons To Be Cheerful

Airplanes that land safely don’t make news. From this simple beginning comes the journalist’s “normal” focus on crashes and break downs, crimes and disasters, controversies and social conflicts. Solutions Journalism tries to widen the lens to include problem solving— when it happens.  

Helpful links
Solutions Journalism: What Is It and Why Should I Care? (Solutions Journalism Network, 5 minutes)Here the Solutions Journalism Network explains what a story has to have to qualify as good Solutions Journalism. 

Watch a Founder of Solutions Journalism Explain It (Tina Rosenberg at Medill – Northwestern University, 60 minutes)The Solutions Journalism Network co-founder, Tina Rosenberg, shares practical examples of Solutions Journalism and discusses how this approach can build trust and promote audience engagement.

The Express Guide to Solutions Journalism (Giselle Green/LinkedIn, 10 minutes)Solutions Journalism isn’t about ignoring negative news or covering fluffy, feel-good stories. On the contrary, problems are its starting point. The stories it tells show us that change is possible. 

How I Got Hooked on Solutions Journalism? (Reasons To Be Cheerful, 8 minutes)Michaela Haas, an editor at solutions-focused Reasons To Be Cheerful, shares her journey in becoming part of the Solutions Journalism movement. She thinks it could be part of the answer for the industry’s trust crisis.