Examples of Good Solutions Journalism

"Solutions journalism tries to expand [journalism’s traditional] definition: Responses to problems are also newsworthy. By adding rigorous coverage of solutions, journalists can tell the whole story."

- Solutions Journalism Network

The Solutions Journalism approach tries to tell the whole story. That includes description of the problem, the response to the problem, why that response works, evidence that it does indeed work, limitations in the approach, and insights we can take from this work. Here we selected four stories that have these features:

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A Climate Change Success Story? Look at Hoboken (The New York Times, 10 minutes)Want to know how a flood-prone city applied green infrastructure to combat this issue and its rising sea levels? Check out this great story.

How Houston Moved 25,000 People From the Streets into Houses of Their Own (The New York Times, 15 minutes)After hours – and days – of reading Solutions Journalism stories, the five of us agreed this is one of the greatest story examples: Amazing storytelling, well-researched data, and verifiable evidence make Houston’s case an example for many other cities in the world.

"The New Humanitarian" Money Clubs Creating Safety Nets for Displaced Nigerians (The New Humanitarian, 10 minutes)The Adashe system in Northern Nigeria provides a vital source of lending or financial support when traditional institutions are either unavailable or unreliable – which is often the case in regions of conflict or disaster.

We Tried Singapore’s Sewage Beer. What Can We Learn From Their Water Recycling Story? (Context News, 5 minutes)Singapore has a problem: It’s one of the most water-stressed countries in the world. However, by recycling sewage water, they have managed to reduce this issue. They even created a beer made from sewage water. What can be learned from this experiment?